

Questions regarding these contracts should be directed to Patric [at]



IATSE Local 871 Constitution & Bylaws

2022 Constitution & Bylaws

2021-2024 Basic Agreement

2021 IATSE Basic Agreement - Fully Executed
(General - not including Local 871 Agreement)
2021 IATSE Basic MOA Summary of the MOA  Comparative Ledger

2021 - 2024 Videotape Electronics Supplemental Basic Agreement
2021-2024 Videotape Electronics Supplemental MOA

2021-2024 Wages

2021-2024 Basic Agreement Long Form Rates
Wage Rates: Script Supervisors, Teleprompter Operator, Art Department Coordinators, Assistant Production Coordinators

Low Budget Agreement Wage Schedule - Year One

2019-2022 Pay TV Contracts

2019-2022 HBO Entertainment Production Agreement
2019-2022 Showtime Pictures Development Company Production Agreement
2019-2022 Starz Independent LLC Production Agreement

Low Budget Theatrical Agreement

2023 LBA Ledger of Gains
2023 - 2025 Low Budget Agreement MOA

2020-2022 Low Budget Theatrical Agreement

2019-2022 Commercial Agreement

2022 AICP MOA - Fully Executed
2019 IATSE-AICP Commercial Production Agreement and Northeast Corridor Appendix 

Bally Sports Agreement

Oct. 1, 2021 - Sept. 30, 2025 Bally Executed Agreement

Sports Venues Agreements

2018-2023 Pettigrew Western Regional Agreement
Oct 1, 2019 - Sept. 30, 2023 PPI Western Agreement (lastest version available)

Music Video Production Agreement

2018 Music Video Production Agreement




2018-2021 Basic Agreement

2018-21 Local 871 Basic Agreement
2018-21 IATSE Basic Agreement
2018 Wage Schedule - Basic Agreement
2018-21 Videotape Electronics Supplemental to Basic Agreement
2017 Script Coordinator and Writers' Assistant Agreement

Pay TV Contracts

2019-2022 Pay Television MOA
2015 - 2018 HBO Production Agreement
2015 - 2018 Starz Production Agreement
2015 - 2018 Showtime Production Agreement
2015-2019 MOA HBO Films
2011-2014 HBO Production Agreement

2020-2022 Low Budget Theatrical Agreement

2020-2022 Low Budget Theatrical Agreement

2016-2019 Commercial Agreement

2016 IATSE-AICP Commercial Production Agreement
2016 IATSE-Independent Commercial Production Agreement

Music Video Production Agreement

2018 Music Video Production Agreement

Sports Venues Agreements

2016-2021 Fox Western Regional Agreement
2018-2023 Pettigrew Western Regional Agreement

2015-2018 Basic Agreement

2015-2018 Local 871 Basic Agreement
2015-2018 IATSE Basic Agreement
Videotape Electronics Supplemental to Basic Agreement 2015-2018

2015 Wage Schedule - Basic Agreement, APOC and ADC
2015 Wage Schedule - Basic Agreement, Script Supervisors and Teleprompter Operators
2015 Wage Schedule - Long Form Agreement


Please direct any questions regarding these contracts to BusinessRep [at]